
4423 items

Libraries Leading the Transformation to Sustainable, Resilient Societies: IFLA returns to the United Nations High Level Political Forum

11 July 2018

    The UN High Level Political Forum takes place on 9-18 July 2018 in New York, discussing global challenges and defining a path to sustainable development. IFLA is there, raising awareness among ministers, officials, experts and civil society of how libraries are leading in this effort as essential partners for development.

    Libraries overcome barriers to access to culture

    10 July 2018

      In the light of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the European Parliament has passed a resolution on analysis on access to culture in the European Union. This briefing offers a number of key quotes and arguments from which libraries and library associations can use in their advocacy around the importance of libraries in overcoming barriers to access to culture.

      Libraries at the Heart of Lifelong Learning

      8 July 2018

        At a time of rapid change in our economies and societies, there has never been a greater need to keep learning throughout life. The 5th conference of the Lifelong Learning Platform provided an opportunity to share stories from the rich experience of libraries in this field, and build relations. Anette Mjöberg, Secretary of the Public Libraries Section attended for IFLA.