
4423 items

LPD Symposium: Guidelines 2.0 for public libraries and persons with print disabilities

25 January 2018

    International Symposium: (IFLA) Guidelines 2.0 for public libraries and persons with print disabilities, also for Rafiq, Nancy and Alice? February 28, 2018 - Muntpunt Brussels INTRODUCTION On February 28, Luisterpunt and IFLA LPD organise an international symposium on the necessity (or not) of guidelines for public library services to persons with print disabilities, focusing particularly on not so common target groups …

    Call for Papers - Theme: "Collections, Ethics, Perspective, and Voice: The Importance of Context"

    18 January 2018

      Call for Papers - Theme: "Collections, Ethics, Perspective, and Voice: The Importance of Context" Around the world, libraries are beginning to address the ways in which established methods of collecting, cataloguing, preserving, sharing information about and giving access to resources perpetuates cultural bias, patriarchal thinking, racism, colonialism, among other issues and structures and therefore informs the collection itself.

      President of Greece Gives Full Support to IFLA WLIC 2019

      18 January 2018

        Yesterday at the Presidential Palace, Athens, Greece, IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón and IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner met with Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic, to discuss the congress.