
4423 items

Public Access in Libraries - Session in Columbus

9 August 2016

    This session will give an overview of IFLA's advocacy for public access to the Internet in regional and global Internet Governance Forums, and an introduction to the Global Connect Initiative, a programme launched by the U.S. State Department in September 2015 with the purpose of bringing 1.5 billion people online by 2020.

    IFLA President’s Session in Columbus

    9 August 2016

      The IFLA President’s Session will focus on how libraries have been responding to the continual changes in the information environment. Four high-level speakers will present keynote thoughts on how emerging trends since the launch of the IFLA Trend Report in 2013 have continued to pose challenges and opportunities for the information sector, and how innovative actors are responding to those challenges with new services and approaches to information provision.

      Treaty of Marrakesh – Implementation Picking up Pace in Africa

      5 August 2016

        The need to combat the ‘book famine’ for the blind, visually impaired, and other people with print disabilities was at the heart of the drive to pass the Treaty of Marrakesh. With the lack of accessible resources particularly acute in Africa, the potential for life-changing reforms there is high. Progress towards implementation of the Treaty is welcome, but libraries must be vigilant to ensure that the opportunity to maximise access is not missed.

        IFLA Welcomes Proposed New WIPO Deputy Director General

        26 July 2016

          IFLA, alongside other civil society organisations from across the libraries, archives, and museums sector and beyond, engages closely in discussions at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Our goal is to promote a culture- and creativity-friendly copyright system worldwide. We congratulate Sylvie Forbin on her nomination as Deputy Director General of the Copyright and Creative Industries Sector, and look forward to working with her toward this goal.