
4418 items

Out Now: June 2024 issue of IFLA Journal

21 June 2024

    The June 2024 issue of the IFLA Journal delves into the multifaceted roles of libraries in navigating contemporary global challenges. This issue underscores the diversity of library practices worldwide, highlighting their pivotal role as catalysts for knowledge, technology, and social resilience in the face of global challenges.

    2024 IFLA Dynamic Unit and Impact Awards 

    20 June 2024

      A dynamic Professional Unit has the greatest impact on IFLA’s global work – engaging members, developing strong leadership and identity, delivering high-quality services with measurable impact, and communicating activities within IFLA and beyond. The Professional Council launched the Dynamic Unit and Impact Awards to recognise the Professional Units who have excelled in putting Dynamic Unit goals into practice. Three IFLA Professional Units were awarded this year.

      IFLA MLAS Library Associations Aligned with UN efforts

      20 June 2024

        IFLA MLAS activities are aligned with efforts by the United Nations: the High Level Political Forum 2024 and the Summit of the Future 2024. Here is a one-pager document to show this alignment. It is a living document that will be updated as MLAS continues work throughout the year. This document can be used to by library associations and libraries to build their own advocacy one-pager. 

        [Extended] Call for papers – 24 Hours of Global Information Technology

        13 June 2024

          The IFLA Information Technology Section, IFLA Artificial Intelligence (AI) Special Interest Group, and IFLA Big Data Special Interest Group are pleased to announce an upcoming international virtual event focused on Information Technology (IT) and Libraries. This webinar held across multiple time zones seeks to provide a snapshot of IT challenges and opportunities in libraries and provide regional perspectives on issues. 

          IFLA at the WSIS+20 Forum: Libraries for a more people-centered Internet

          3 June 2024

            Last week the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event took place in Geneva from the 27 to the 31 of May. This event marked a significant milestone of twenty years of progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, which took place in two phases — Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005. Twenty years ago WSIS was the space that set an initial framework for global digital cooperation with a vision to build people-centric, inclusive, and development-oriented information and knowledge societies. Just as in the the past, IFLA attended this event to continue its ongoing involvement in this process since its foundation at the 2003 Geneva Summit; and engaged in diverse multistakeholder discussions to highlight the crucial role that libraries play as key actors of the information society.