​Development and Access to Information (DA2I) 2017 is the first of a series of reports that monitor the progress countries are making towards fulfilling their commitment to promote meaningful access to information (A2I) as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Development and Access to Information (DA2I)

IFLA, in partnership with the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington Information School, launched the first DA2I on July 2017 at the United Nations High Level Political Forum (UN HLPF) in New York. The DA2I is intended for UN member states, intergovernmental organizations, funders, civil society, other stakeholders working in development, and the library community itself.

Delivering on a commitment in the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development, it was designed as an advocacy tool to demonstrate the invaluable contribution that information access, particularly through libraries, makes to promoting more socially and economically inclusive societies.

As well as updating on progress on a range of indicators of access to information, each DA2I report will have a focus on the SDGs selected for review at the HLPF in the year of publication. This includes thematic chapters on how access to information promotes the achievement of each of the selected SDGs. 

Download the DA2I Report 2017:

Supporting materials:

Executive Summary:


Fact Sheet:


DA2I Postcard: SDG 2 No Hunger  DA2I Postcard: SDG 3 Good health and well-being  DA2I Postcard: SDG 5 Gender equality​

DA2I Postcard: SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure  DA2I Postcard: SDG 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions (skills and support)  DA2I Postcard: SDG 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions (skills and confidence)

DA2I means knowing what to produce in a changing environment, and how to get the best price for it (SDG 2) 

  • English [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Español (Spanish) [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Français (French) [PDF| [PNG]

DA2I means being able to keep my family fed, fit and healthy (SDG 3) 

  • English [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Español (Spanish) [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Français (French) [PDF| [PNG]

DA2I means having the same opportunities to learn, earn and take my place in society (SDG 5) 

  • English [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Español (Spanish) [PDF| [PNG]
  • Français (French) [PDF| [PNG]

DA2I means stronger, faster collaboration with colleagues around the world to advance innovation (SDG 9) 

  • English [PDF] [PNG]
  • Español (Spanish) [PDF| [PNG]
  • Français (French) [PDF| [PNG]

DA2I means finding content relevant to me, with the skills and support I need to use it (SDG 16a) 

  • English [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Español (Spanish) [PDF| [PNG]
  • Français (French) [PDF| [PNG]

DA2I means more than just computers and cables, it’s about the skills and confidence to get the best from the Internet (SDG 16b) 

  • English [PDF] | [PNG]
  • Español (Spanish) [PDF| [PNG]
  • Français (French) [PDF| [PNG]


Take action!

Use the DA2I to help you promote the role of libraries in development in your country:

  • Share the DA2I in your blogs, websites, newsletters, and in social media using the #Lib4Dev and #DA2I hastags!
  • Use it as a basis for discussion within your association – what does development and access to information mean for you, your members, and library users in your country
  • Look at your country statistics on the measures of access to information
  • Translate the Executive Summary into your language (contact us to get the template to facilitate translation!)
  • Present copies or send the link when you are meeting with relevant ministers or senior officials
  • Download and learn more about the DA2I: DA2I.ifla.org
  • Ask us any questions! Contact IFLA at: [email protected]

Access a more recent edition of the DA2I Report