Our Annual Report records the achievements and progress of the E4GDH Special Interest Group in relation to our Action Plan for the last year.

If you have questions about our work, suggestions about what you would like us to work on, or you would like to help us, please contact the E4GDH convenor Anne Brice: [email protected]

Focus Area 1: Extend the roles and impact of librarians working in global and disaster health


Plan and deliver three webinars to extend opportunities for sharing best practice.

  • Our first joint webinar with HBS was led by Bob Gann, focussing on Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus [recording, Q&A and featured resources]
  • Librarians Supporting Humanitarian Information Efforts was our second joint webinar. Bethany McGowan shared her experience of open mapping with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). Jo Wood then described how librarians help health care providers and decision makers navigate the rapidly growing expanse of coronavirus-related literature, drawing on her time with EvidenceAID. [recording, Q&A and featured resources]


  • Opportunities to collaborate with other IFLA sections were actively taken up, helping to build awareness and understanding of our activities.
    This includes discussions with Public Libraries section, Government Libraries, plus the Women, Information & Libraries SIG – in order to explore future collaboration and joint events, following cancellation of IFLA WLIC 2020.
  • Externally, E4GDH has collaborated with Evidence-Aid, HIFA, UNDRR, WHO, National Library of Medicine’s Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), CASP International, EAHIL and AHILA.
    Initial engagement with new stakeholders includes Cochrane IRMG, and the new EAHIL SIG Evidence-Based Information Group (EBI).
  • Our June 2020 newsletter was circulated and posted online.


Focus Area 2: Establish and further develop E4GDH SIG and Support Network and share best practice.


Strengthen our core Working Group to widen global representation and diversity, as well as increasing the number of task-related active members.


  • With 7 new members, there are now 22 people on our advisory group, bringing a breadth of representation in terms of geographical region.
  • Our core working group increased to 9 people, as 3 advisory group members joined
  • We held an online meeting in March 2020 with 12 members of core and advisory committee participating; other members commenting via our basecamp group

Produce high-quality resources and publications to promote evidence-based practice, provide better value, and reduce duplication.


Work still in progress


As highlighted above, some objectives and activities are still in progress and feature in our Action Plan for 2020 – 2021.