Title Bibljografija nazzjonali ta’ Malta = Malta national bibliography
Web site address https://www.maltalibraries.gov.mt/
Start date Began 1983
Period covered 1983 to 2008
Current size From 1995 onwards, national bibliographic entries have been  accessible through the OPAC, however there is no separate, specific database which exists for the Malta National Bibliography
Media covered Printed books and serials
General selection criteria Books or pamphlets with 8 pages or more of text, first issue of periodical publications, works and parts of works about the Maltese Islands, works written by Maltese nationals but published abroad
Selection criteria for digital resources No digital resources included
Exclusions policies applied Ephemera, audiovisual material
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National Library of Malta
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://www.maltalibraries.gov.mt/
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography Informal co-operative relationship with the University of Library Melitensia Section in providing access to a handful of relevant acquisitions not yet received by National Library
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Single integrated bibliography
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data created in-house
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements Bibliography is predominantly based on items received at the National Library by way of legal deposit
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme No national CIP programme exists. CIP records are not included in national bibliography.
Media & format options Printed catalogue
Access options to national bibliographic metadata National bibliographic entries accessible through OPAC
Metadata enhancements offered via online services None
Web 2.0 services offered None
Frequency of service updates Daily
Target audiences for services Library users, academic/public libraries, book trade, members of the public
Uses made of  services offered Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing, retrospective conversion
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Operates on a cost recovery basis
Availability of metadata for re-use Without restriction
Metadata formats UK MARC
Cataloguing code AACR2
Levels of description offered AACR Level 2
Subject standards DDC, LCSH 
Name authority standards Name Authority File created in-house
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? No
Date information submitted 7.10.2010
Information supplied by Margaret Callus – Assistant Librarian National Library of Malta [email protected]