Monday February 22, 10:00 to 18:00
Venue: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (National Library of Portugal)
Conference: ‘A Common International Standard for Rare Materials? Why? And How?’
Sponsored by the Rare Books and Special Collections Section of IFLA (RBSCS) and the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
Open to anyone interested. Tea/coffee and lunch from the library café.  Follow this link for registration information:
This conference brings together the discussion of changing trends and standards for the description of early printed books and special collections in all formats, including archives, audio-visual and born-digital material, to an international stage. In an age when catalogues and metadata are shared across libraries, systems and borders, should there be a common international standard for the cataloguing of rare books and special collections? Is this a desirable or attainable goal? What might such a common standard look like, and how might it be achieved?
Programme for the day to be announced.
Evening: no formal dinner plans but some of us will undoubtedly dine together at a local restaurant.
Tuesday February 23

Venue: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (National Library of Portugal)
All-day IFLA RBSC business meeting, 10:00 to 18:00
Open to the committee and invited observers. Tea/coffee and lunch from the library café.
Agenda to include:
• Detailed planning for Congress and Satellite congress
• IFLA cultural heritage agenda
• Planning future actions
Evening: Committee dinner will be booked at a local restaurant.
Wednesday February 24

Tour of Mafra Library
The Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal has generously organised for us a bus tour to the Mafra Library, one of the most celebrated European Enlightenment libraries (with no travel cost for attendees). Currently the plan is for this bus to depart from the BNP 09:30, arriving at Mafra at around 10:00, and for the bus to return to the BNP in Lisbon by 15:00.
Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Campo Grande, 83
1749-081 Lisboa
Tel. 21 798 20 00
Fax 21 798 21 40
[email protected]
Buses: 31A, 50, 68, 75, 77, 85, 101, 106
Underground stations: Entrecampos (200m) and Cidade Universitária (500m)
Train station: Entrecampos (500m)
Taxi station: Entrecampos Sq. (200m)
Parking is available at the BNP premises, subject to payment.
Link to webpage with google map