Title Malaysian National Bibliography
Web site address http://www.pnm.gov.my/
Start date Began 1966
Period covered 1900 to date
Current size Up to 31 Nov. 2010: 156,106 records
Media covered Printed material :·
Monographs, serials, seminar papers, maps atlases, charts, thesis and brochure, posters etc.
Non printed material :·
Cinematographic film, microform, transparency, video and audio recordings, electronic media (computer software, CD-Rom) and other media containing information
General selection criteria Malaysian National Bibliography received library material underdeposit of Library Material Act 1986 (Act 331). The Act makes it compulsory for publishers to deposit their publications with National Library of Malaysia through the National Publications Depository Centre. The materials received form the National Collection reflects the intellectual heritage of our people, their literature, culture, knowledge, intellect etc.
Selection criteria for digital resources
Exclusions policies applied grey literature, computer games, ephemera
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National Library of Malaysia
Web site address of national bibliographic agency http://www.pnm.gov.my/
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography Relationships with ISBN/ISSN agencies, Co-operation with local publisher
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Singlenational bibliography covers all publications
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data created in-house
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements All material included in Malaysian National Bibliography database received under national legal deposit arrangement.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme CIP programme co-ordinated by the Malaysian National Bibliography.  CIP records not included in national bibliographic services
Media & format options Online
Access options to national bibliographic metadata National Library of Malaysia OPAC
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Malaysian National Bibliography is studying this matter
Web 2.0 services offered
Frequency of service updates Daily
Target audiences for services Researcher, academic/public libraries and members of the public
Uses made of  services offered Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing, retrospective conversion
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Malaysian National Bibliography operates for free basis
Availability of metadata for re-use Malaysian National Bibliography is studying this matter
Metadata formats MARC21, Dublin Core
Cataloguing code AACR2
Levels of description offered ISBD, AACR Level 2
Subject standards DDC, LCSH, Local Subject Headings
Name authority standards Please refer to attachment: Malaysian_authority_standard
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 10 December 2010
Information supplied by Mohd Din Ahmad
Senior Deputy Director
Malaysian National Bibliography
[email protected]