Title Korean National Bibliography (Daehanmingung gukgaseoji)
Web site address https://librarian.nl.go.kr/LI/contents/L10507010000.do 
Start date Began 1963
Period covered 1945- now
Current size Over 4 million records
Media covered Digital, online, and printed books or serials, maps, printed music, audio, video grey literature including thesis and government publications, accessible resources
General selection criteria – Works in various media published in South Korea
– Works about Korea in various media published abroad
Selection criteria for digital resources In the case of text and audio-visual resources, all resources collected by legal deposit shall be included.
Exclusions policies applied Individual articles in serials
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National Library of Korea
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://www.nl.go.kr (Korean)
https://www.nl.go.kr/EN/ (English)
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography In addition to NLK’s catalogue, collection lists for incorporation into the national bibliography are provided by the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) and the National Library for the Disabled.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Single integrated dataset, but after 2021 multiple categorised bibliographies by media
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography After checking for duplication between metadata created in house and cooperative institutions, only unique metadata is included in the national bibliography.
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements We have legal deposits as national libraries, and most of these are included in the national bibliography unless otherwise excluded.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme National bibliography has operated without CIP involvement. (Korean CIP program was abolished in 2020).
Form of publication used for the national bibliography – Web catalogue: All national bibliographic data can be searched and downloaded individually
– File : Since 2021, national bibliography has been also provided as a dataset file, consisting of 41 self-selected metadata elements.
Online access options Web access
Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography – Web catalogue: Korean MARC or MODS (Individual bibliographic data)
– File : EXCEL, CSV, JSON (Dataset by Year, by Type)
Frequency of service updates Annual
Target audiences for services researchers, libraries, the public
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free
Availability of metadata for re-use All national bibliographic metadata released into the public domain without restriction
Metadata formats MARC, MODS(limited to digital resources for which NLK has created metadata)
Cataloguing code KCR4 (Korean Cataloguing Rules)
Levels of description offered Full
Classification KDC(Korean Decimal Classification), DDC
Subject heading scheme or thesaurus NLKSH(Nation Library of Korea Subject heading)
Name authority standards or Name authority file Korean Authority File
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA Bibliography Section? The agency has representatives in ISBD review group.
Date information submitted 2023/02/01
Information supplied by MISO LEE
Nation Library of Korea
Metadata & Sustainable Access Division
Contact email [email protected]