Every year, libraries play a vital role in supporting their communities during times of crisis, whether it be a public health crisis such as the current global pandemic, political conflicts, natural disasters or socio-economic challenges. Multicultural communities often find themselves in particular need, whether they be displaced from their homes, socially marginalised, or encountering barriers to accessing vital information.

For our next newsletter, we are calling for stories and articles about how libraries support multicultural communities during times of crisis, as our theme for the issue. As always, we are also happy to receive other articles related to library services to multicultural populations.

The ideal length of stories is 400-600 words with accompanying images (300dpi, JPEG format). By submitting articles and images, you understand they may be used, both internally and externally, in print and digital media formats including print publications, websites, and social media, under a CC-BY 4.0 license. You understand that images/articles on websites can be viewed throughout the world, according to the legislation in place locally. By submitting articles and images, you also confirm you have secured permission to use any photos or other 3rd party content you may have included in your work.

Please send your submissions to the newsletter editor, Andrew Finegan ([email protected]) by Sunday 1 May using the subject line “MCULTP Newsletter submission.”