In August 2021, the IFLA Environment, Sustainability and Libraries (ENSULIB) began as a Section from a Special Interest Group. In order to have a better communication platform for delivering information in the relevant fields on a regular basis, the ENSULIB Section starts its Section Newsletter from the issue of December 2021. The Section Newsletter is planned to be a bi-annual publication.

To mark the important year 2021 for the ENSULIB Section, the upcoming December newsletter will celebrate the 1st year of the ENSULIB Section, review the past and recent activities or achievements of ENSULIB, as well as present your interesting stories, events or projects, which are aligned with the aims of the Section.

You are cordially invited to share your stories with us. The ideal length of your articles is about 500 words, preferably with images (in JPEG format) or other media under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

 The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2021 (Tuesday).

We look forward to receiving your articles at [email protected] , using the subject line “ENSULIB Newsletter Submission”. Thank you.