In recent months, the COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for libraries around the world in the way that they deliver services. To help share stories of best practice, innovation, and challenging experiences, the IFLA Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section will be focusing much of the upcoming issue of its newsletter on the impact of COVID-19 on libraries that work with multicultural communities.

We are calling for stories that might include (for example):

  • Innovative ways that libraries have adapted services to connect with multicultural communities in the online environment.
  • Challenges in managing social isolation and connecting with communities when the physical doors are closed
  • Issues for library staff from minority backgrounds, regarding employment and financial security during library closures.
  • How library workers from minority backgrounds are supporting one another in managing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, or working from home.
  • Changes in the demand for linguistically diverse collection material during the pandemic – particularly online collections.
  • Successes and challenges connecting with communities as libraries experiment with new approaches and technologies.

We also welcome ‘non-COVID-19’ stories, and would love to hear other news stories from the International library sector that are of interest to our Section members.

Stories should have a word length of 400-600 words, with accompanying images (300dpi, JPEG format). Please send your submissions to our editor, Pam Ryan ([email protected]) by Thursday 21 May, using the subject line “MCULTP Newsletter submission”.

If you don’t wish to write an article, but still have a news story to share, we are also looking for stories to feature through our social media channels. Please send them to us anytime by email ([email protected]), and we’ll add it to our social media schedule.