The IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section invites proposals for online articles to be included in the December 2018 Newsletter with the special theme: Young adults at the library.  
The suggested topics could include, but are not limited to: 
Helping young adults to question, think critically, and expand knowledge 
Meeting the needs of young adults as a librarian 
Integrating information literacy 
Informal learning 
Resource sharing 
Connected learning
New trends
Cooperations with local society
Proposals should include: 
Title of proposed article 
A short description of the proposed article (150 words)
Name of author 
Position or title of author 
Employer or affiliated institution of the author 
Email address 
The language of the newsletter is English. However authors may also provide articles in any of the IFLA languages, as long as an English version is also provided. 
Proposals due by September 1st,
Articles due by November 15st.
The reply regarding acceptance will be sent on email before September 20th.
Proposals can be submitted to the editorial board via email to: 
Jorun Systad, [email protected]