Chair Viviana QuinonesDear Colleagues,

You probably know much about the section’s activities in the last and future months, if you follow our Facebook page but let me tell you about them briefly here.

Colleagues appreciated very much our sessions at Lyon conference. You can read the papers on line, for the session on African libraries, the one on “transmedia” and the one on content creation. We decided to continue exploring this last subject, with two articles in this new version of Newsletter.

For next conference in Cape Town, we prepare three sessions: one on new partnerships (see the Call for papers), one on best practices in African libraries (see the Call for papers) and a participative session on recommendations for children’s libraries that will also be a celebration of the Section’s 60th anniversary. We will also have an “off-conference” session with best practices from the Standing Committee member’s countries, for our South-African colleagues – it is costly to attend an IFLA conference, most children’s librarians in the host countries cannot attend – which leads me to reminding you that there are some grants offered.

Updated catalogue coverNow, about our project The World through Picture Books: since the last Chair speaks in June, twelve new countries have joined us! We have been working on the 2nd edition of the catalogue, with 500 preferred books published in 37 languages – they are all reviewed in English and in the original publication language. This 2nd edition will come out in a few days; it will be downloadable and printable. So, these new countries’ books make now part of the book exhibition that you can borrow from Japan and France National Libraries. If your country is not represented yet, it is possible to include it! 

Sister Libraries continue growing and working: see their blog? Thanks to a grant from Fagforbundet in Norway, the programme coordination has been reinforced. Ulla Pötsönen is in charge, don’t hesitate to write to her, [email protected].

Wishing you a great 2015, a year with more “liberté, égalité et fraternité” in our troubled world,

All the best,

Viviana Quiñones
Paris, France
Chair, IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults