IFLA is extending the deadline for the current Standing Committee and Governing Board elections. Ballot papers must now reach IFLA Headquarters by post, fax or email by Wednesday, 31 May 2017.

Standing Committee ballot papers were posted on 27 February 2017 with reminders sent via IFLA-L on 9 March and 13 April. Governing Board ballot papers were posted on 24 March 2017 with reminders sent via IFLA-L on 28 March and 2 May.

The deadline has been extended after notification by members of the late receipt of ballot papers in a number of countries.
Successful candidates will be guaranteed the early bird rate for registrations to IFLA WLIC 2017 in Poland.
If you have not yet voted, I encourage you to use this opportunity to do so by 31 May 2017. If you have not received your ballot paper, please contact IFLA: [email protected]

Gerald Leitner
Secretary General