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4297 items

The Bunus River Urban Garden: A Garden in The Heart Of Kuala Lumpur

19 February 2024

    The stakeholders of KBSB have shown the effectiveness of an urban garden in bringing people together. They have organised programmes throughout the year and each event is closely linked to gardening and the products that can be harvested from the garden. Several stakeholders have become successful entrepreneurs through the sale of products from their plots at KBSB. Read more

    Digital Cultural Heritage: Theory and Practice

    19 February 2024

      Cultural heritage and digital technologies are viewed as interconnected entities, where there is no relationship of dependency to any party at the expense of the other. This complementary relationship can create unique products that blend national cultural heritage with contemporary developments and changes.

      IFLA C&YA: Expanding the worldview of young people

      19 February 2024

        Culture and Education are at the core of the work we do in IFLA’s Section on Libraries for Children and Young Adults (C&YA), especially in literacy. We have two programs that use books to expand the worldview of young people. Our just-published World Through Picture Books 3rd Edition Catalog [repository link here if we can make it!] celebrates and promotes the language, culture, and quality of books for young people aged 0-18 from over 50 countries worldwide.

        Library and Information Science Education in Support of Culture and Arts Education

        16 February 2024

          Libraries and information services are essential for culture, arts, science, education, and other sectors, contributing to the sustainable development of individuals, organisations, communities and nations. Thus, libraries and cultural heritage institutions play a vital role in promoting and co-creating culture and arts education, supporting lifelong and life-wide learning, and providing spaces for intercultural dialogue. They are acknowledged in the draft UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education for contributing to the Strategic Goal of “a. Access, inclusion, and equity in and through culture and arts education”, and to its Implementation Modality as “b. Learning environments”. The critical services to support culture and arts education are provided by appropriately educated and trained library and information science (LIS) professionals, who study in LIS programmes that teach excellence in professional practice