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4312 items

Protecting Privacy in the Modern Academic Library: An Interview with Mimi Calter

9 April 2019

    A group of unviersity libraries in the United States have signed up to a new Statement on Patron Privacy and Database Access. IFLA has interviewed Mimi Calter, Deupty University Librarian at Stanford, and Chair of IFLA's Academic and Research Libraries Section, to find out more about the thinking behind the Statement, and what it says.

    Global Discussions on Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright for Libraries Continue

    9 April 2019

      It’s time to look back at a of week global discussions on copyright at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). There were useful new reports and materials, signs of consensus on all sides that exceptions and limitations are an essential part of the copyright framework, and further proof that action is needed to allow libraries to work across borders.