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IFLA marks World Refugee Day

20 June 2017

    On World Refugee Day, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions wishes to highlight the richness and vibrancy of an inclusive and open society by reminding how libraries play an integral role in democratization and integration. IFLA believes that open societies are healthy societies and that libraries guarantee basic human rights by enabling access to information and knowledge for all.

    Open Access, Public Access, Meaningful Access: Libraries heard at WSIS Forum and Human Rights Council

    19 June 2017

      Article 19 of the Universal Convention on Human Rights offers freedom of access to information for all. IFLA’s presence at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2017 and the 35th Session of the Human Rights Council allowed delegates to hear the library perspective on three aspects of access to information – open, public and meaningful.

      Bring the Persecution of Librarians to an End: IFLA President Donna Scheeder on the Judgement in the Case of Natalya Sharina

      13 June 2017

        Ever since her arrest in October 2015, IFLA has followed closely the case of Natalya Sharina, the former librarian of the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow. Following the judgement in her case, IFLA President Natalya Sharina has made a statement, expressing IFLA's disappointment in the result, and calling for the end to the banning of books and persecution of librarians worldwide.

        Libraries, Human Rights and the Internet: IFLA Engages in Geneva

        12 June 2017

          Libraries have a major practical role in giving their users access to knowledge and protecting their intellectual freedom. This week in Geneva, IFLA will speak at the World Summit on the Information Society 2017, as well as Human Rights Council consultations, in order to highlight this contribution to governments, business and civil society organisations.

          More than Wires: IFLA Highlights Role of Libraries in Providing Meaningful Internet Access at EuroDIG

          8 June 2017

            With long established worries about the digital divide meeting rapidly growing concerns about fake news, it is clear that alongside the immense benefits the Internet brings, there are also challenges. IFLA attended the 10th European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) in Tallinn, Estonia, to underline what libraries contribute to the response.

            Don’t Forget the Library Voice in the Right to Be Forgotten: Libraries Engage in Chile

            8 June 2017

              The Internet has made information easier to share and access than ever before. As long as links remain live, it also means that age is not a barrier to discovery, with search engines able to sort through billions of pages in order to highlight results. This possibility makes a major contribution to the usability of the Internet. At the same time, there have been growing concerns about how easy it can be to discover information that people, for a variety of reasons may wish to consign to history.