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What’s the Deal? Trade, Copyright and Libraries Discussed at WTO Public Forum

7 October 2016

    Despite political criticisms, trade-based globalisation is an unavoidable part of modern economies and society. As countries have sought to facilitate exchanges of goods and services, they have signed deals that have far reaching effects on national legislation. IFLA held a panel at this year's WTO Public Forum to explore the impacts on libraries, and whether recent trends give grounds for optimism or pessimism.

    A Better Balance is Possible – Looking to the Future at WIPO

    2 October 2016

      Starting tomorrow, the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organisation will meet together in Geneva. For IFLA, highlights will include discussions on future work on limitations on copyright for libraries, Ms Sylvie Forbin's first major event as Deputy Director General, Copyright and Creative Industries, and a celebration of the entry into force of the Treaty of Marrakesh. The latter shows that WIPO discussions can lead to results that offer wider access to knowledge, with dividends for growth, equality, human rights and well-being.

      Universal Access to Information, Today and Every Day

      28 September 2016

        Libraries have always been about preserving and giving access to information. At all levels, they readily work with other actors in order to achieve this. The first International Day for the Universal Access to Information is the occasion for a joint statement between IFLA and the International Publishers Association (IPA). This sets out areas where we can progress, together, towards this key objective.

        Call for Applications to the IFLA Journal Editorial Committee

        27 September 2016

          Deadline: 31 Octoberr 2016. IFLA Journal is an international journal publishing peer-reviewed scholarship on Library and Information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries.

          Treaty of Marrakesh: (Mainly) Good Omens from Europe?

          22 September 2016

            Last week, the European Commission published proposals for legislation which would implement the Treaty of Marrakesh. The benefits of EU ratification could be high, potentially more than doubling the number of countries involved, and making a wealth of European language works available to some of the most vulnerable people around the world. IFLA and EBLIDA, in a joint statement, welcomed these proposals, but cautioned that more work will be needed to ensure that no new barriers to access to knowledge are created.

            Trade and Access to Knowledge: Discussing Trends and Scenarios at the WTO Public Forum

            22 September 2016

              Exceptions and limitations have been a key part of the international copyright system since its inception, protecting and promoting the goals of education and innovation. Increasingly, they are shaped by the text of trade deals. What impact will this have for access to knowledge, and the institutions that promote this? IFLA is organising a panel discussion at the WTO Public Forum on 28 September to find out.