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4312 items

Access to Information for the Visually Impaired – Latin American Libraries Stand Ready to Help

4 July 2016

    When countries around the world came together to discuss how to give visually impaired people easier access to books, libraries were at the heart of the drive for an ambitious, legally binding solution. These efforts paid off, with the Treaty of Marrakesh signed in 2013. Now it is time for implementation - a recent meeting in Panama offered a chance to advance down this path, with libraries having a strategic role.

    The Internet as a Human Right? IFLA Promotes Public Access at EuroDIG

    14 June 2016

      The internet offers an invaluable tool for achieving the key objective of libraries – providing equitable access to knowledge and information. Librarians have been quick to seize the opportunity, offering not only physical access, but also training and specific resources online that help users learn, enjoy and explore. At the European Dialogue on Internet Governance, IFLA representatives argued for policies and practices that support them in this role.