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4297 items

IFLA's Internet Manifesto 2024 - Why is it relevant and who will benefit?

7 November 2023

    IFLA approved its fist Internet Manifesto in 2002, providing early recognition of the vital role that the Internet plays in the library and information services field. In 2014, a second version of the manifesto was published, not only to reflect on the changes that the Internet had gone through those years, but also to reaffirm the crucial role of libraries in ensuring equitable access to the Internet and supporting freedom of access to information.

    Message from the IFLA President, 10 October 2023

    24 October 2023

      On 3 October 2023, the Secretary General and I advised the IFLA membership and community that the Emirates Library and Information Association had withdrawn their invitation to hold the 2024 World Library and Information Congress in Dubai.

      Will Generative AI be a Friend or Foe in the Future of Librarianship?

      23 October 2023

        On Tuesday, 22 August 2023, the Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group (DH/DS SIG) and the Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (AI SIG) hosted a joint session at the IFLA World Library and Information Conference. The session, titled: “Will Generative AI be a Friend or Foe in the Future of Librarianship?”, featured six speakers from five continents.

        The Annual Conference of Malaysia Libraries 2023 / Persidangan Tahunan Perpustakaan Malaysia 2023

        23 October 2023

          The Annual Conference of Malaysia Libraries 2023 featured a diverse range of topics, speakers, and workshops, making it a valuable platform for knowledge sharing and networking. The conference attracted over 400 participants including librarians from various types of libraries, information experts, academics, industry players and companies providing services in the fields of libraries, information technology and digital services.