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Fall 2021 Webinar Series for LIS Students

3 November 2021

    IFLA Division C is hosting a Fall webinar series for LIS students. These webinars aim to create a place for students to share their projects, research, and ideas about different topics related to libraries. October’s theme was “International Engagement and Collaboration – Getting Started”.

    Out Now: October 2021 issue of IFLA Journal: Special Issue on Indigenous Librarianship

    1 November 2021

      The IFLA Journal special issue on Indigenous Librarianship strives to position libraries and librarianship through an indigenous worldview and ways of knowing. Each article takes is own perspective on the topic, exploring issues such as colonization, reconciliation, representation and imagery, digital access, and resource management. The issue is the result of collaboration with IFLA Journal and the Indigenous Matters Section of IFLA.