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IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2020 Cancelled

9 April 2020

    The IFLA Governing Board and Irish National Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 World Library and Information Congress (WLIC). Dublin will instead welcome the 2022 Congress, following confirmation that the New Zealand International Convention Centre in Auckland – the previous planned venue – is unlikely to be ready on time.

    From: GB

    IFLA Leads Open Letter on Intellectual Property and COVID-19

    3 April 2020

      Faced with the urgent need to combat the COVID-19 Pandemic and its consequences, it is vital to ensure that intellectual property laws and practices do not become a blockage. IFLA, working with its partners, has led in drafting an open letter - already signed by over 140 organisations and individuals - to the Director General of WIPO to underline this point and call for action.