Extended deadline, June 5th


The IFLAPARL Standing Committee is pleased to announce registration is now open for our Pre-Conference, to be held in The Hague, on 17-18 August 2023.

Please register by filling out this form by 22 May 2023.

Note: the deadline for the call for presentations was 17 April 2023. Expected response by members of the IFLAPARL Standing Committee to submissions 8 May 2023.

The Pre-Conference website is on, with more details about the 2-day event, travel and hotel information, and recommendations of things to do while in The Hague, thanks to our gracious hosts, the Tweede Kamer. The website is regularly updated.

If you have any questions, please contact Julie (IFLAPARL Secretary) at [email protected] and Fabiola (IFLAPARL Information Coordinator) at [email protected]

Also, remember to follow us on:

Hope to see you in The Hague!

Best regards,
Julie Anderson, Secretary

Posted on behalf of Josefa Fuentes, Chair, and Fabiola Rosales Salinas, Information Coordinator
IFLA Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments