IFLA SIGL mid-term reportWe are proud to share a report highlighting just a few examples of the difference that our work with Stichting IFLA Global Libraries is making to colleagues around the world in a new report. You can access this online now, and pick up copies at WLIC 2023 next week in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Seven years ago, the momentous decision was taken to entrust IFLA with a major part of the legacy left to the global library field by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In turn, Stichting IFLA Global Libraries was set up to manage and oversee these funds.

The goal? Not just to leave the library field as a whole stronger, but also to strengthen IFLA itself as an organisation ready to play a key leading, connecting and enabling role for libraries worldwide. 

Since then, through the generosity of the Gates Foundation and close cooperation with SIGL, IFLA has been able to develop unique and high-impact tools such as the Library Map of the World, develop and deliver the Global Vision initiative, establish new regional structures, and provide opportunities to develop advocacy skills and experience.

The mid-term report just published provides both a global overview of this work, and key personal stories, showing how the grant and the collaboration between IFLA and SIGL has shaped careers and lives. 

The report points to the work and opportunities ahead, as we build on the bases already established. Priorities include continued efforts to strengthen the ability of library associations and libraries everywhere to advocate and plan, to continue to inspire the field to innovate and go further, and to ensure that the voice, potential and needs of libraries is heard everywhere.

We hope that you will be part of our work going forwards to ensure the global library field grows ever stronger and more sustainable. 

Read the report online

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