De Gruyter Saur - ENSULIB - IFLA logo block


sponsored by De Gruyter

What is a Green Library?

The consideration of the role of humanity in climate change and the notion of sustainable development are core concerns of society, and consequently of libraries.”

According to the Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS), Green Libraries are “designed to minimize negative impact on the natural environment and maximize indoor environmental quality by means of careful site selection, use of natural construction materials and biodegradable products, conservation of resources (water, energy, paper), and responsible waste disposal (recycling, etc.)”

They also focus on related services, activities, events, literature and projects, demonstrating the social role and responsibility of libraries as leaders in environmental sustainability.

Objectives of the IFLA Green Library Award

  • To reward the best Green Library submission that communicates the library’s commitment to environmental sustainability
  • To create awareness of libraries’ social responsibility and leadership in environmental education. Libraries of all types are encouraged to participate
  • To support the worldwide Green Library movement, concerned with

    • environmentally sustainable buildings
    • environmentally sustainable information resources and programming
    • conservation of resources and energy
  • To promote the development of Green Libraries initiatives locally and worldwide
  • To encourage Green Libraries to actively present their activities to an international audience

Relevance to IFLA’s goals and values

Following the IFLA Key Initiative 4.1: Promoting libraries within the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the award will help to advance the profession through illuminating the role of libraries and librarians in the advancement of sustainability standards and the promotion of specialized knowledge within professional practice.

Guidelines for submissions

  • Any type of library with an outstanding Green Library project, initiative or idea may apply for the IFLA Green Library Award. The project, initiative or idea may be presented in various ways (e.g. essay, video, poster, article, set of slides)
  • Applications must be written in one of the seven IFLA languages
  • Applicants may also submit an English translation if they prefer
  • Film and Video materials in languages other than English must have English subtitles
  • The presentation of the project, initiative or idea should be submitted to the ENSULIB award reviewing committee
  • The quality and relevance of the project, initiative or idea will be evaluated by the ENSULIB committee in terms of
  • applicability to the goals and the scope of ENSULIB
  • contribution of libraries to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • quality of the overall presentation
  • relevance to IFLA’s goals and values (Key Initiative 4.1)

Download the application form: [English – MS Word]

Applications must be submitted before 1 April 2019 to:
Dr. Petra Hauke, ENSULIB Secretary
E-mail: [email protected]

Submissions will be reviewed by the ENSULIB award reviewing committee and will be unbiased and neutral.

See past IFLA Green Library Award Winners: 2016, 2017, 2018

The finalist will be recognized for his/her outstanding submission. The award includes € 500, sponsored by De Gruyter Saur, and will be presented at the 85th IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2019 in Athens, Greece.

On behalf of ENSULIB, The Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group of IFLA

Petra Hauke, ENSULIB Secretary