role of the academic library

In the last decade, there has been a surge for the decolonization of education, which many view as a path forward that connects the past, present, and future. While decolonisation can mean different things, it includes a fundamental reconsideration of who is teaching, what the subject matter is and how it’s being taught. This session will look at perspectives on decolonization from both the global north and global south, which typically offer different perspectives.

For the global south, education is a means of self-knowledge, starting from within (the local) and radiating outwards to discover more knowledge of the peoples and world. It means that the global south should exist at the centre, not as an appendix or extension of the global north.

For the global north, it is giving due recognition of the first peoples of the country and to build bridges through recognition. The speakers will look particularly at the role of the library on this journey.


  • Richard Higgs, Lecturer (University of Cape Town)
  • Camille Callison, Indigenous Strategies Librarian (University of Manitoba)
  • Stacy Allison-Cassin, Associate Librarian (York University); Associate Librarian in the Department of Student Learning and Academic success


  • Mimi Calter (Stanford University)

This 90-minute webinar is free and open to the public. Please share this invitation openly.

Join the webinar on 20 August 2020 at 15:00 SAST/CEST – 09:00 EDT

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Series organisers

Chair of ARL: Gulcin Cribb: [email protected]

Recording and Slides