Please join us in presentations by Dr. Edmund Balnaves, a director at Prosentient Systems (Pty)Ltd in Australia, who will be highlighting some current best practices in academic library research data management services with special reference to various RDM systems, followed by a presentation reflecting on library research data services by Dr Lynn Kleinveldt, a lecturer at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in South Africa. These presentations will lead to an open discussion on where we are and where we are heading with library RDM services, facilitated by François-Xavier Boffy from Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France . 

This session will be of interest to librarians and academics who wish to understand more about Research Data Management practices.

Webinar programme:

11:00-11:05: Welcome and Introduction by François-Xavier Boffy from Claude Bernard University Lyon 

11:05-11:25: “Library Research Data Management Services: where are we now?” – By Dr. Edmund Balnaves

11:25-11:45: Reflections on Library RDM Services – by Dr.  Lynn Kleinveldt 

11:45–11:55: Open discussion – facilitated by  François-Xavier Boffy

11:55-12:00: Closing remarks by Dr. Lynn Kleinveldt


To participate, please register for free via:

Please contact <[email protected]> if you have questions and/or comments.