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Libraries, Media and Information Literacy Only Sustainable Response to Fake News

Faced with growing concerns over fake news, the European Union launched a consultation on fake news, and how to fight it in November 2017. IFLA has responded, underlining that the only sustainable response is a literate, critical population. Libraries are essential in delivering this, and should be supported to do so. Read More

  • News
  • 02 February 2018
  • By: anonymous

Evidence for Global and Disaster Health Special Interest Group

Our special interest group works to promote and strengthen the roles that librarians play in times of disaster, developing innovative responses to global health challenges, and contributing to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Introduction Librarians have the potential to play enhanced, pivotal roles in global… Read More

  • Units
  • 02 February 2018

GIOPS Call for Papers – Global eGovernment: Trust, Transparency, and Transformation

The Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS) invites interested individuals to submit proposals for the open session at the IFLA WLIC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 24-30 August 2018. GIOPS solicits submissions around the theme of Global eGovernment: Trust, Transparency, and Transformation. Proposal Submissions… Read More

  • News
  • 23 January 2018
  • By: anonymous

Section Archive

Initial Task Forces and members Language Task Force Language is the key to cultural preservation. The IFLA SIG on Indigenous Matters should strive to strengthen indigenous languages. One proposed demonstration of this key area is to draft a general principle statement on such support and bring it… Read More

  • Page
  • 16 January 2018

A Common History: Preserving Cultural Heritage in Europe

Today is the first day of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. For the next twelve months, libraries across Europe will be celebrating the importance of heritage, and the contribution it makes to communities. In doing so, they will underline the indispensable role they play in preserving, managing, and giving access. Read More

  • News
  • 07 December 2017
  • By: anonymous