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Born Digital, Died Young? The Challenges of Cultural Preservation in a Digital Age

Digital technologies have allowed for a richer, more diverse production of ideas and expressions than ever before. However, they also bring challenges as regards the preservation of cultural heritage, recognised as a target under the Sustainable Development goals. Success will require collaboration, not just between libraries, but also with policy-makers and the private sector. The latest Global Information Society Watch includes an article by IFLA setting out the issues. Read More

  • News
  • 08 December 2016
  • By: anonymous

Information Technology Section Action Plan 2016-17

Our Action Plan outlines the key objectives for our Section in the upcoming year. Take a look at our News feed to read updates on our progress. A report on these activities will be published in the 2016 Annual Report, available around the end of the… Read More

  • Page
  • 29 November 2016

Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) 2016

Introduction The original Statement of Principles – commonly known as the “Paris Principles” – was approved by the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles in 1961. Its goal of serving as a basis for international standardization in cataloguing has certainly been achieved: most of the cataloguing codes… Read More

  • Publications
  • 24 November 2016
  • By: IFLA Cataloguing Section

Libraries Key to Defending Freedom Online

The number of people connecting to and using the Internet is expanding rapidly, but so too are concerns about freedom online. The role of libraries in giving access to information, and the skills needed to know how to use it, is centuries old, but has a particular relevance today. The Freedom Online Conference, held on 17-19 October 2016 in San Jose, Costa Rica, provided an opportunity to underline the contribution libraries make to a free, trusted, and sustainable Internet. Read More

  • News
  • 21 November 2016
  • By: anonymous

Korean National Bibliography (Daehanmingung gukgaseoji)

TitleKorean National Bibliography (Daehanmingung gukgaseoji)Web site address Start dateBegan 1963Period covered1945- nowCurrent sizeOver 4 million recordsMedia coveredDigital, online, and printed books or serials, maps, printed music, audio, video grey literature including thesis and government publications, accessible resourcesGeneral selection criteria– Works in various media published in South Korea– Works… Read More

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  • 04 November 2016

Public Libraries Section Action Plan 2016-2017

The Public Libraries Section is very engaged and our Action Plan outlines the key initatives for the Section during the year. Updates on the many projects and events we’re involved with can be found on our web page, our Blog and also on Facebook.   Objective 1… Read More

  • Publications
  • 01 November 2016

Report on the WLIC 2016

Highlights from the WLIC 2016, in particular the sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by the Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments, with links to presentations.  There is also a link to the report from the Knowledge Cafe on continuous learning which was particularly interesting. Read More

  • Page
  • 07 October 2016

What’s the Deal? Trade, Copyright and Libraries Discussed at WTO Public Forum

Despite political criticisms, trade-based globalisation is an unavoidable part of modern economies and society. As countries have sought to facilitate exchanges of goods and services, they have signed deals that have far reaching effects on national legislation. IFLA held a panel at this year's WTO Public Forum to explore the impacts on libraries, and whether recent trends give grounds for optimism or pessimism. Read More

  • News
  • 07 October 2016
  • By: anonymous