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IFLA, EIFL release report on the impacts of public access

The latest report from the Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries, led by IFLA and EIFL, brings together key resources that explain the difference that public access in libraries can make, as well as offering hints and insights that can help drive evaluation of similar efforts.  Read More

  • News
  • 15 November 2022

WLIC 2022 – IFLA’s Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Division Committee Open Session: Connecting the Heads: bringing together leadership ideas and experiences for attaining SSA RD initiatives

IFLA's Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Division Committee (SSA RDC) will participate at the IFLA World Library & Information Congress (WLIC) 2022 scheduled for Dublin, Ireland. The Open session, an exciting interview of prominent Library and Information Science Heads will share views and ideas on Connecting the Heads: bringing together leadership ideas and experiences for attaining SSA RDC initiatives. Read More

  • Events
  • 08 July 2022

Message from Chair of Regional Division Committee for Asia and Oceania

For us in the library sector, it is more important than ever to defend the values we believe in, and which underlie our work to defend freedom of access to information, equitable access for all sectors in society without discrimination, and freedom of expression among the other human rights agreed many decades ago by the international community. Read More

  • News
  • 06 June 2022

UNESCO and IFLA: Celebrating 75 Years of Partnership

On 20-22 May 1947, IFLA’s first council meeting following the end of the Second World War was held in Oslo, Norway. It was here that IFLA signed an agreement to cooperate with the newly formed United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Read More

  • News
  • 19 May 2022


Creating SDG Book Clubs workshop Establishing SDG Book Clubs in the MENA region will allow children and their parents to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals through books (fiction and other genres) related to each of the 17 Goals in Arabic and other languages. Children and their parents will then… Read More

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  • 26 April 2022


SDG Engagement and Global Advocacy – Knowledge Sharing and Coordination This project’s aim is to support libraries in Europe to strengthen their advocacy activities in the context of the SDGs and thus become more visible. It will do so by sharing knowledge and coordinating efforts with other stakeholders by supporting… Read More

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  • 26 April 2022


Engagement with SDG process Participating in Sub Saharan Africa Regional Sustainable Development Fora; promoting participation in Voluntary National Reviews; sharing best practices in development agendas. Participate in Internet Governance Fora Participating in Africa Internet Governance Forum (IGF); participating in Global IGF; encouraging Library Associations and other library types within the… Read More

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  • 26 April 2022