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Review Group Reports

Meeting Reports 2020 July 21, online 2018 August 26 and 27, Kuala Lumpur 2017 August 22 and 23 Wroclaw 2016 August 14 and 18 + Consolidation meeting August 19, Columbus 2015 August 16 and 17 + Consolidation meeting August… Read More

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  • 25 April 2009

Annual Reports

2013 2011 2010 2008 – 2009 2006 – 2007 2003 – 2004 1999 – 2000 1996 – 1997 1998 – 1999 1995 – 1996 1997 – 1998 1994 – 1995  … Read More

  • Publications
  • 22 April 2009

Reports to the Standing Committee

Report to the Standing Committee, Columbus 2016: IFLA National Library Section: Inventory National Library Function. Hans Jansen and Genevieve Clavel  Report to the Standing Committee, Seoul 2006: Performance Indicators for National Libraries A list of possible indicators, taken from the new draft of the… Read More

  • Publications
  • 22 April 2009

Professional Codes of Ethics for Librarians

Librarians all over the world are well aware of their profession’s ethical implications. In more than 60 countries library associations have developed and approved a national code of ethics for librarians. IFLA’s code of ethics draws on this experience, and provides a model and reference for others. During 2010… Read More

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  • 16 April 2009

Lectures & Various Papers

2011 Library ethics on an international level. IFLA and its committee on “Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression” (FAIFE) [PDF] Hermann Roesch from… Read More

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  • 16 April 2009

Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records

The FRBR Final Report was first published in print in 1998 by K.G. Saur as volume 19 of UBCIM publications, new series, as well as PDF and HTML files on the IFLA Web site. Current text Including amendments and corrections to date PDF (1.2 MB;… Read More

  • Publications
  • 14 April 2009
  • By: IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records


IFLA Meetings of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code  Goal number 1 of the 2007-2009 Strategic Plan of the Cataloguing Section is "to promote the development of an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access". This goal will be achieved through a series… Read More

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  • 08 April 2009