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Libraries for Digital Inclusion: Charting the Course for 2021

Public access in libraries can be a powerful tool to bring more people online - particularly as the world is working to meet global connectivity goals and ambitions in the next few years. But how to realise its potential? You can join the discussion and help shape the agenda of the Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries for 2021! Read More

  • News
  • 09 April 2021
  • By: anonymous

IFLA SDGs Update: December 2020

The latest update on activities related to the Sustainable Development Goals from IFLA includes information on the following: IFLA SDG Update (Dec 2020): Update on 2021 VNRs, Africa Youth SDG Forum, UN Meetings in 2021, Reviewing 5 years of VNRs, Digital Inclusion, Library Map of the World, Library Stat of the Week, Delivering on the SDGs during COVID, and a list of recent blogs. Read More

  • News
  • 03 December 2020
  • By: anonymous

Universal library connectivity

IFLA actively engages with issues around library connectivity to support policies and initiatives which help bring more libraries – and their users – online. Reliable internet connectivity and modern information and communication technology (ICT) equipment are integral to libraries’ ability to guarantee equitable access to information and support digital inclusion. Read More

  • Page
  • 28 October 2020

Skills for a digital world

IFLA emphasises that as part of their mission to power meaningful access to information, libraries across the globe can help people develop the competencies they need to thrive in a digital world, and should be supported to do so. The IFLA Statement on Digital Literacy highlights… Read More

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  • 28 October 2020

Engaging international organisations

IFLA has the unique role of engaging with global and international organisations on behalf of the library field. By bringing together library voices from around the world, IFLA is well positioned to highlight what libraries offer toward achieving international priorities, and the resources required to do so. Through this, IFLA… Read More

  • Page
  • 28 October 2020

IFLA Representations

As part of its role as the global voice of libraries, IFLA engages with various international institutions and processes. These are highlighted below: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) IFLA has official observer status at UNESCO, and engages in a wide variety of work including the Memory of… Read More

  • Page
  • 27 October 2020

Get Into… Guides

A key part of IFLA’s advocacy work is our engagement with international organisations and processes. These provide an opportunity to underline the role of libraries and call for laws, recommendations and research which can be used in national advocacy. Yet often, these processes are not limited to… Read More

  • Publications
  • 21 October 2020