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Getting started with an IFLA SIG

Magdalena Gomułka, Convenor of IFLA's New Professionals Special Interest Group, encourages those beginning their IFLA journey to look to a SIG of interest as a starting point. Read more about the value of getting involved in one of the 12 IFLA Special Interest Groups.  Read More

  • News
  • 17 February 2023

Why the right of access to information matters for development

IFLA has made a submission to a call by the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression for evidence around the link between this freedom and sustainable development. This highlights the importance of freedom of access to information, and the role of libraries in making this meaningful and universal.  Read More

  • News
  • 09 February 2023

Sustainable Development Goals and Library Associations: North America

IFLA’s Management of Library Associations Section (MLAS) in collaboration with the New Professionals Special Interest Group (NPSIG), the Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB), and the IFLA Regional Divisions is proud to present “Sustainable Development Goals and Library Associations: North American Regional Division.” This first event is part of a webinar series featuring different regions of the world. Join us on March 6 at March 6 12:00-1:30 pm ET / 9:00-10:30 am PT / 6:00-7:30 pm CET. Read More

  • Events
  • 06 February 2023

3rd UN Open Science Conference

The 3rd UN Open Science Conference will bring together policy makers, representatives of intergovernmental organizations, researchers, scholars, librarians, publishers and civil society. Read More

  • Events
  • 20 January 2023