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Presidential Elections 2015-2017

Statement of Candidacy for IFLA President-elect To serve as President 2017-2019 As President-elect of IFLA, I will do my utmost to support our positions as spelled out in the Lyon Declaration, to pursue our expectations as articulated in the IFLA Trends Report, to work for… Read More

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  • 18 March 2015

Libraries on the agenda at NETmundial

IFLA is this week attending the NetMundial meeting in Sao Paolo, Brazil. NetMundial is being organized by the Brazilian Government and /1Net, a forum that gathers international entities of the various stakeholders involved with Internet governance. The meeting can be considered a response to the 2013 Snowden revelations… Read More

  • News
  • 24 April 2014
  • By: anonymous

Why is this important for libraries?

In a fast changing information environment where new media and ICTs are spreading innovation in developing and developed countries alike, spurring new business models and unleashing new opportunities, libraries have to anticipate and adapt the change to preserve their central role in providing public access to information and knowledge. Read More

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  • 01 March 2013