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IFLA Library Reference Model translated into Hungarian

IFLA Library Reference Model has been translated into Hungarian. The translation was completed by Gazdag Tiborné, Dancs Szabolcs, and Ilácsa Szabina and is available off the IFLA LRM webpage. Read More

  • News
  • 16 May 2019
  • By: Bibliographic Conceptual Models Review Group

IFLA webinar on the WIPO African regional meeting

Modern, balanced copyright laws are key to the fulfilment of libraries’ public interest mission. Outdated or inadequate legislation hampers democratic access to information and the preservation of our cultural heritage. In parallel with efforts to change copyright laws at the national… Read More

  • Publications
  • 06 May 2019

Best Practice for Establishing a Public Lending Right System that Supports Authors and Libraries and Enables Literacy and Learning (Annex to the 2016 IFLA Position on Public Lending Right)

IFLA’s existing statement on Public Lending Right (PLR), updated in 2016, sets out IFLA’s policy position on Public Lending Right. These best practices are without prejudice to the existing IFLA Statement and are an annex to it. As highlighted in the Statement, IFLA does not favor… Read More

  • Publications
  • 29 April 2019