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Sociedades participativas para lograr los ODS: movilizar las bibliotecas para la ciudadanía / Participatory societies to achieve the SDGs: Mobilising libraries for citizens

Las bibliotecas, que forman una red extensiva de instituciones a nivel mundial, cumplen un rol clave y activo en reducir las brechas en el acceso a la información y al conocimiento. Estos espacios públicos han demostrado a través de iniciativas concretas, su compromiso en colaborar al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030. Este evento está organizado por IFLA y la Biblioteca Hernan Santa Cruz. Read More

  • Events
  • 20 April 2023

Promoting SDGs for Islamic Higher Education Libraries in Indonesia

Read about the initiative the Library of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (UIN Malang Library) took to organise an international webinar in collaboration with the Association of Islamic Higher Education Libraries – Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Indonesia (APPTIS). Read More

  • News
  • 23 February 2023

Libraries partnering for the SDGs

Libraries already do a lot for development on their own. But they can do even more as part of partnerships with a wide variety of actors, making unique contributions. This article focuses on examples taken from the IFLA Library Map of the World. Read More

  • News
  • 16 February 2023

IFLA MLAS Launches webinar series on SDGs and Library Associations

The webinar series "Sustainable Development Goals and Library Associations" follows the IFLA Strategic Direction 1.1 Show the power of libraries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. A working group from MLAS in collaboration with IFLA New Professionals SIG and IFLA Regional Divisions will coordinate webinars about various top topics resulting from a survey MLAS carried out during 2020-2021.  The webinar format includes interactive opportunities to engage attendees in conversations in languages spoken in the regions. Stay tuned for more information, Read More

  • News
  • 12 December 2022

Advocating Public Libraries by the SDGs

The library world has recognized the importance of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the fact that they can be taken as a starting point when considering ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable libraries. The SDGs are general in nature, though they approach sustainability from many angles. In… Read More

  • Resources
  • 14 September 2022