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References to Libraries in UN SDG Voluntary National Reviews

​Over the last five years, 168 different countries have presented Voluntary National Reviews on their work to deliver the SDGs. The latest IFLA analysis highlights the example they offer of recognising libraries as partners for development. New IFLA analysis has looked across the 199 available… Read More

  • Publications
  • 02 December 2020

References to Libraries in UN SDG Voluntary National Reviews (2016-2020)

Over the last five years, 168 different countries have presented Voluntary National Reviews on their work to deliver the SDGs. The latest IFLA analysis highlights the example they offer of recognising libraries as partners for development. New IFLA analysis has looked across the 199 available reports prepared by governments in… Read More

  • Resources
  • 02 December 2020

Action Plan 2020-2021: Literacy and Reading Section

The committee’s activities have been focused in three areas: 1) Support the use of the IFLA Toolkit for Libraries supporting National Literacy and Reading strategies; 2) Collect best practice examples that demonstrate how libraries are supporting the SDGs through Literacy and Reading initiatives; 3) Build capacity around Literacy and Reading… Read More

  • Resources
  • 24 November 2020

L’informazione per lo sviluppo: Perché l’accesso è importante negli SDG?

When the United Nations Member States agreed the 2030 Agenda, they recognised that without specific targets and a framework for measuring progress, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) would be meaningless. As a result, connected to the 17 headline goals, there are 169 targets and 232 indicators that will allow us… Read More

  • Resources
  • 17 November 2020

Opportunities to engage

The below list sets out current opportunities for you to engage in IFLA’s advocacy work. SDG Action Week SDG Action Week takes place 17-28 September: use the opportunity to highlight your own work around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and even get your activities on the map! More… Read More

  • Page
  • 12 November 2020

Africa Youth SDG Summit

The third African Youth SDGs Summit takes place with the combined challenge of accelerating progress towards the SDGs, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Bringing together new thinkers and energies from across the continent, it will work to share ideas and build coalitions for positive change. Read More

  • Events
  • 03 November 2020

Development and Access to Information (DA2I) Report

Development and Access to Information (DA2I) is a joint project between the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington Information School. IFLA’s work is supported by a grant from Stichting IFLA Global Libraries (SIGL). The DA2I Report… Read More

  • Page
  • 28 October 2020

Library Map of the World

How can we advocate at the global, regional, and national levels without basic information about the number and state of libraries across the world? This question prompted the development of the Library Map of the World (LMW). This started in 2017 as an initiative to collect and visualise basic library… Read More

  • Page
  • 28 October 2020

Supporting national and regional advocacy

IFLA fosters positive change for libraries and their communities by developing tools and providing guidance to help library advocates influence crucial decisions taken at a national, local or institutional level. While international laws, recommendations and reports can of course help to initiate change or provide reference points. In the end,… Read More

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  • 28 October 2020