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2022 IFLA Knowledge Café: Facing the future together: connecting, learning, sharing

Original publication from IFLA ninth Knowledge Café (02 December 2022) Approximately 150 librarians met at the ninth Knowledge Café, held during the 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland, July 26-29, 2022.  This year’s Congress overall theme was “Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect.” The first Knowledge Café was held… Read More

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  • 06 December 2022

IFLA Units+Strategy: Evidence for Global and Disaster Health Special Interest Group – Leading as a Valued Partner

Sponsored by the IFLA Health and Biosciences Section, the IFLA Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group works to promote and strengthen the roles that librarians play in times of disaster and in response to global health challenges. In the spirit of partnership, this month IFLA features the IFLA Health and Biosciences (HBS) Section and their partner the IFLA Evidence for Global Disaster and Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group in the Units + Strategy recognition series, for their collaborative efforts not only with each other, but with several external medical and health-related information organisations.  Read about what they’ve been doing and what they’ve got planned for 2022-2023. Read More

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  • 20 October 2022

IFLA Units+Strategy: Health and Biosciences Section Engages and Energises the Healthcare Library Sector

In the spirit of partnership, this month IFLA features the IFLA Health and Biosciences (HBS) Section and their partner the IFLA Evidence for Global Disaster and Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group in the Units + Strategy recognition series, for their collaborative efforts not only with each other, but with several external medical and health-related information organisations. Read about what they’ve been doing and what they’ve got planned for 2022-2023. Read More

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  • 20 October 2022

IFLA Newsletter, September 2022: Editorial

The importance of access to information as a right for all is of course at the heart of IFLA’s values. It is both a valuable goal in its own right, and an essential precondition for the achievement of so many other rights – to education, health, culture, science and more. Read More

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  • 22 September 2022

New IFLA Publication: Navigating Copyright for Libraries

IFLA is proud to announce the open access publication of Navigating Copyright for Libraries - Purpose and Scope, edited by Jessica Coates, National Library Australia; Victoria Owen, University of Toronto, Canada; and Susan Reilly, Irish Research Electronic Library, Ireland. Read More

  • News
  • 08 September 2022

10 years of the IFLA open access statement: a call to action

IFLA is proud to share its 2022 statement on open access (OA), "10 years of the IFLA open access statement: a call to action". The statement affirms the value of open access and related initiatives,  outlining IFLA's ongoing work in the area. It also offers a commitment to "lead by example, and complete the transition of IFLA’s publications to OA". Read More

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  • 01 September 2022