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Conference Proceedings

Since 2013, the proceedings of the World Library and Information Congress: IFLA General Conference and Assembly have been made available via our institutional repository, the IFLA Library. Proceedings from 1994-2012 are available on past IFLA WLIC websites. Direct links to overview pages are provided below. Conference proceedings from prior… Read More

  • Page
  • 09 November 2015

Learning Across Boundaries – Question Responses

At the World Library and Information Congress in Cape Town IFLA’s Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and Public Libraries Sections joined together to deliver the program Learning Across Boundaries: a workshop (Session 092). As part of the session each of our four presenters provided a number of… Read More

  • Publications
  • 22 September 2015

Ingrid Parent, IFLA President 2011-2013

Presidential Theme: "Libraries: a force for change" Libraries – A force for change 图书馆 – 推动变革的力量 Les bibliothèques – Une force pour le changement Bibliotheken – Kräfte des Wandels Las bibliotecas – una fuerza catalizadora del cambio Библиотеки – сила, ведущая к… Read More

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  • 04 September 2015

IFLA/Brill Open Access Award 2015 goes to DOAB

IFLA and Brill are pleased to announce that the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), from the Netherlands, has been selected as this year’s winner of the IFLA/Brill Open Access Award. Read More

  • News
  • 17 June 2015
  • By: anonymous

2015 Open Session: Cape Town

IFLA World Library and Information Congress 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly 15-21 August 2015, Cape Town, South Africa LPD Session : The inclusive library: How to Render Inclusive Library Services  to Blind and Visually Impaired People Tuesday 18 August 10.45-12.45. Roof Terrace… Read More

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  • 22 April 2015