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IFLA Presidential Newsletter July 2013

In 2013, many meetings and strategies are already underway to achieve our Key Initiatives and Professional Programme with the involvement of our colleagues and partners around the world. In this newsletter, I want to share a snapshot of our priorities for the year as well as activities we have already undertaken in 2013. Read More

  • News
  • 05 July 2013
  • By: anonymous

Best IFLA Poster

Involved in an interesting project or in an area of work that you would like to discuss with or show to other congress attendees? Why not present your work in the IFLA Poster Session? Each year, a jury on behalf of the IFLA Professional Council selects the best… Read More

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  • 25 March 2013

Professional Awards

IFLA Professional Awards are presented by IFLA Committees. They recognise the contribution, of an individual or an organisation to the professional activities of IFLA or to international library and information services sector more broadly in a specific professional area. Current IFLA Professional Awards The IFLA Dynamic Unit and… Read More

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  • 25 March 2013

Governing Board Elections 2013-2015

Statement of Candidacy For the position of Governing Board Member 2013-2015 Barbara Lison (Germany)   Director Bremen Public Libraries Am Wall 201 28195 Bremen Germany Tel. Read More

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  • 19 March 2013

What is IFLA doing?

IFLA’s Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (under Key Initiative 2, Information and Knowledge) focuses on the eLending issue as an area for constant attention and engagement. A Working Group was set up in 2011 to propose actions which IFLA and its members should consider to address the situation.  So… Read More

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  • 08 February 2013

IFLA Presidential Newsletter November 2012

Dear colleagues, Since my last newsletter in May, we’ve been active in regions around the world, representing libraries in many different forums, on the development agenda, and at major regional conferences. Read More

  • News
  • 30 November 2012
  • By: anonymous