IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Spanish translation

Call for Papers

Latin America and the Caribbean Section

Theme: "Preserving and conserving the cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean"

The IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section invites potential presenters in the region (librarians, faculty, practitioners, and other interested parties) to participate in the 2-hour open session on this theme. The session will consist of 4 selected papers.

Proposals may focus on, but are not limited to:

  • The role of libraries, archives and museums for preserving and conserving the cultural heritage in our region.
  • Technology use in libraries, archives and museums of the region for preserving and conserving the cultural heritage in our region.
  • Providing access to traditional knowledge and information in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Access to resources that show the cultural heritage of a specific community or culture in our region
  • Experiences that contributes to development actions in other libraries, archives and museums in the region for preserving and conserving our cultural heritage.

Important dates

The deadline for submitting a detailed, one-page abstract and full author details is 15 January 2009.

Selection of papers is based on the abstract, and presenters will be notified by mid-February 2009 at the latest whether they have been successful.

Full paper is due on 30 April 2009.

Important notes

Papers must be original and have never been published elsewhere before. Papers should be of 20 pages maximum, two-double space. They should be in Spanish or English with and abstract of one page in the same language. Abstracts and Papers should be submitted by e-mail. Authors will get a 20 minutes slot for delivering their papers, so they will have to prepare a sound Power Point presentation.


Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Regional Standing Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean Section. Proposals should include:

  • Title of proposed presentation
  • Abstract of the proposed presentation (no more than 300 words in a page)
  • Name(s) of author(s)
  • Position or title of author(s)
  • Author(s) employer or affiliated institution
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone/fax numbers
  • Short biographical statement regarding the Authors(s)

Proposal should be sent to:

Mr. Filiberto Felipe Martínez
Chair IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section
Tel: +(52)(55)5623 0327
Fax: +(52)(55)5550 7461
E-mail: [email protected]

and to:

Mrs. Ana María Peruchena
Secretary IFLA Latin America and the Caribbean Section
Tel. +(54)(11)48110043
Fax +(54)(11)48163422
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Travel and stay expenses

Please note the expenses of attending the Quebec Conference (including travel, expenses and conference fee) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of the accepted papers, and at least one of the authors must be present for the program.