IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Arabic translation  German translation  French translation  Spanish translation

Call for Papers

Literacy and Reading Section and the Information Literacy Section

Theme: "Libraries Promoting Twenty-First Century Literacies"

The Literacy and Reading Section and the Information Literacy Section are seeking proposals for a program to be held at the IFLA Congress in Milan in August, 2009.

It is no longer enough to be simply print literate in the twenty-first century. The complex world in which we now live requires fluency in many literacies. Through formal presentations and group discussions, this program will explore the ways in which libraries can actively promote multiple literacies.

The program will feature up to six invited papers, each focusing on a different twenty-first century literacy. We are looking for papers on basic print literacy (combating illiteracy), fluent print literacy (combating aliteracy), and information literacy. We also invite paper presentations that feature other literacies. Possibilities include multicultural literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, civic literacy, or economic literacy, to name a few.

Papers chosen for presentation will avoid repetitive definitions of literacy in general and focus instead on the particular twenty-first century literacy being addressed. They will be specific about how libraries can promote that literacy. They will be grounded in theory, research, and/or practical applications.


Proposals should provide the following information:

  • The particular literacy addressed in the paper
  • Name and institution of speaker(s)
  • Abstract of paper (500 words)
  • Brief biographical information

Proposals should be sent to:

   Alison Ernst
   E-mail: [email protected]
   or [email protected]

by November 15, 2008.

Please indicate “IFLA proposal” in the subject line. Finalists will be notified by January 15, 2009, and will be expected to submit final versions of their papers in one of the official IFLA languages by May 15, 2009. Presenters will have fifteen minutes to present their papers at the program, and time will be allowed for a moderated discussion by attendees.


For more information, please contact:

Sylvia Chevillotte
Chair of Information Literacy Section
E-mail: [email protected]
Ivanka Stricevic
Chair of Literacy and Reading Section
E-mail: [email protected]

Please note that it is the speakers’ responsibility to find funding for their participation.