IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Spanish translation

Call for Papers

Newspapers Section

Theme: "Newspapers in the Mediterranean and the Evolution of the Modern State"

IFLA's Newspaper Section invites you to submit a short proposal for a presentation on this theme for its programme at the IFLA Congress 2009. In the two hour programme, we aim to have four or five presentations covering this subject.

The audience is likely to include librarians from who have responsibility for newspaper libraries, in the national and public library domain, and archives which include newspapers.

We are particularly interested in presentations on the following topics although other topics will also be considered.

  • how collections of newspapers have been formed;
  • the current state of newspaper collections
  • actual or planned newspaper digitisation projects
  • newspapers as agents of political change
  • the role of newspapers in Italian unification


We aim to have a mix of presentations from Italy and other countries. The delivery of each presentation should last 15 minutes, as it is intended that each speaker will be a Panel Member for the discussion which will invite active audience participation. The written version of the presentation may be longer (at least 3 single spaced pages to 20 pages maximum), and these will be published on IFLANET. Full papers will be due by 15 April 2009 to allow time for review of papers. Presentations, as well as papers, will be delivered in English as a first preference.

Please send an abstract of your proposed paper (maximum 400 words), full contact details and a short CV by 31 October 2008 to:

Ed King
Secretary, IFLA Newspapers Section
E-mail: [email protected]

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the review panel by January 2009.

Regrettably IFLA's Sections do not have funds available to pay for speakers' expenses, although there may be limited funding available through other IFLA channels, especially for people from developing countries.