IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Spanish translation

Call for Papers for Satellite Meeting

Academic and Research Libraries Section
Public Libraries Section
Library Buildings and Equipment Section
Library Theory and Research Section
Management and Marketing Section

Turin, Italy
19-21 August 2009

Theme: "Libraries as Space and Place"

Within the field of library and information science the issue of libraries as space and place has become an important topic in both practice and research. How can libraries develop into places promoting knowledge sharing and knowledge generation? How can libraries contribute to the creation of community and to collaboration, citizenship and trust in a world that is becoming more and more complex and fragmented? Such questions are relevant for all kinds of libraries – public libraries as well as academic, government and special libraries, physical libraries as well as digital libraries. They increase in importance due to globalization, digitization and the growth of the multicultural society. Research as well as exchange of practical experiences is needed if the field of librarianship is to meet these challenges adequately.

In connection with the IFLA conference in Milan 2009, IFLA’s sections on Academic and research libraries, Public libraries, Library buildings and equipment, Library theory and research, Management and marketing are arranging a preconference focusing on the topic of libraries as space and place.


Papers and posters on, but not limited to, the following topics are invited:

  1. Libraries as places and spaces for knowledge sharing and learning
  2. Libraries as meeting places fostering community
  3. Library architecture, library layout refurbishment and heritage listed buildings
  4. Libraries as third places
  5. Libraries as meeting places across cultural, professional and ethnic borders.
  6. How can one strike a balance between promoting pluralism and multiculturalism on the one hand and community on the other?

Research papers as well as papers based on practical experiences and examples of best practices are welcome. Abstracts amounting to 600-800 words should be submitted, with a subject heading "Torino Pre-Conference", to:

Marydee Ojala
Email: [email protected]

The abstract should contain the following elements:

  1. A clear statement of the problem to be discussed.
  2. The methodological and empirical basis
  3. If a research paper: the theoretical point of departure
  4. The practical and/or scientific and theoretical importance and contribution of the paper.

The working language during the preconference will be English, but papers can be submitted in any of the IFLA languages and Italian.

Proposals for poster presentations are also welcome.

Important Dates

  • 15 January 2009: Deadline abstracts and proposals for poster presentations
  • 15 February 2009: Notification
  • 30 April 2009: Deadline for full papers