IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Congreso

Congreso Mundial de Bibliotecas e Informacuón: 75 Asamblea y Congreso General de la IFLA

"Las bibliotecas crean futuros partiendo de la herencia cultural"

23 al 27 de agosto del 2009, Milán, Italia

English text

Convocatoria de Presentación de Comunicaciones en Reunión Satélite

Sección de Formación Continua y Aprendizaje en el Lugar de Trabajo junto con el Grupo de Debate de los Nuevos Profesionales

Bolonia, Italia
18-20 de agosto del 2009

Tema: "Cómo Entrar, Avanzar y Continuar: Estrategias para la Regeneración de la Profesión del Bibliotecario y del Documentalista"

Esta reunión satélite se celebrará inmediatamente antes del Congreso Mundial de Bibliotecas e Información en Milán, Italia, agosto del 2009.

La Sección de Formación Continua y Aprendizaje en el Lugar de Trabajo y el Grupo de Trabajo de los Nuevos Profesionales abre el plazo de envío de propuestas de presentaciones, ya sea para el discurso inaugural, el discurso de la sesión plenaria, informes sobre resultados de investigaciones, mesas redondas, talleres y sesiones de pósteres). Animamos a participar a los nuevos profesionales y aquellos que deseen hacerlo por primera vez.

Para cumplir con el plazo de publicación y se pueda incluir en las Actas que se distribuirán en el Congresola fecha para el envío de propuestas finaliza el 10 de noviembre del 2008. No es obligación publicar todas las comunicaciones en las actas, por lo que el comité de evaluación también aceptará presentaciones cuyo autor no desee que se incluyan.

Tema de la Reunión

El objetivo general de esta reunión satélite es la creación de un entorno laboral positivo en un lugar de trabajo multigeneracional. Estamos interesados en este tema ya que afecta a una diversidad de estructuras organizativas, tipos de biblioteca y a otros trabajos que emplean a profesionales de la información. Invitamos a tomar parte a aquellos que deseen participar por primera vez en un congreso internacional y los nuevos bibliotecarios y documentalistas. Buscamos una diversidad de opiniones.

El comité organizador desea mostrar ejemplos de buenas prácticas en las estrategias de regeneración de la profesión tanto mediante presentaciones académicas basadas en la investigación como casos prácticos y lecciones aprendidas positivas. Los organizadores están especialmente interesados en recibir propuestas de presentaciones que traten o estén relacionados con los siguientes temas y cuestiones:

Temas Generales

  • Managing between and across generations
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Communication skills, e.g. goal setting, providing feedback
  • Organizational structures
  • Dealing with organizational blocks

Cómo Entrar

  • Attracting people to the profession
  • Developing retention strategies
  • Creating a positive work environment
  • Teambuilding and cohort development
  • Involving newcomers in professional associations

Cómo Avanzar

  • Developing as a leader
  • Working and leading within the organization
  • Managing up
  • Challenging existing organisational structures
  • Relationship and network building

Cómo Continuar

  • Re-skilling and transferability of skills
  • Succession planning and passing on knowledge
  • New careers for information workers

Lugar y Fechas

The conference will be held in Bologna, Italy. The conference venue will be the University of Bologna, more details will follow in late December. The satellite conference will start with a reception and initial activity on Tuesday, August 18. On Wednesday, August 19 and Thursday August 20, the sessions will run all day. There may be a tour organised during the day on Tuesday, August 18.

Formato & Estructura

The conference will be structured to maximise opportunities for interaction and learning with a focus on both expanding knowledge and understanding and enhancing capabilities in this key area of professional practice. Active sharing of ideas and knowledge will be encouraged and presenters are encouraged to think about the most effective ways of delivering their presentations. The conference will be arranged to include a mix of plenary sessions (with time allowed for discussion and comment on each paper), smaller scale interactive presentations (where presenters make their presentation to a small group and then engage in participatory/interactive work with that group), breakout sessions/workshops and poster presentations. To enable information exchange and networking the smaller scale interactive presentation sessions may be repeated multiple times and the poster sessions may be staffed at several times throughout the conference.


All key-note presentations and a selection of other significant presentations at the conference will be peer reviewed and published by K.G. Saur as part of the IFLA ‘greenback’ publication series. The editors of the Conference Proceedings will be Jana Varlejs (Associate Professor, Rutgers University, US), Liz Lewis (Archive Project Manager, Skillset, UK) and Graham Walton (Service Development Manager, Loughborough University Library, UK) The peer and editorial review of papers proposed or selected for publication in the Proceedings will focus in particular on: originality of ideas, readability, intellectual rigour and the level of authority and scholarship demonstrated, validity of the results of any empirical research.

Presenters who prefer not to have their paper considered for publication should indicate their preference on the proposal submission form.

Idioma de Trabajo

The conference will be conducted in English. All papers and presentations will be required to be in English (it is hoped to translate papers into the official IFLA languages post-conference for addition to the conference website)

Envío de Propuestas

To submit a proposal for presentation at the conference please complete the:

Impreso para el Envío de la Propuesta: MS Word document [DOC – 80 kB]

Proposals must be submitted in electronic format - preferably by email, or by post (3.5" diskette or CD-ROM). Proposals must be in either a generally available word-processing file format or in RTF format.

Proposals should be sent, no later than November 10, 2008 to both of the program convenors: Loida Garcia-Febo and Roisin Gwyer (see addresses at the bottom of this page).


  • Proposals for papers must be submitted by 10 November 2008.
  • Successful proposers will be advised of the acceptance of their proposal in early December 2008.
  • If the paper was accepted for publication in the Proceedings then the full paper must be submitted for review by 31 January 2009.

    Presentations which are not for publication must be submitted for review by 31 March 2009.
  • Invited contributors/presenters will be advised of final confirmation/acceptance of their paper, (following peer review), in April 2009.

Evaluación y Selección de las Presentaciones

Proposals for papers for presentation and publication will be assessed by the Conference program committee and will be subject to a peer review process. The program committee will decide which proposers should be invited to develop and submit full presentations and /or papers. Confirmation of invitations to present at the conference will be subject to the receipt and approval, following second-round peer review, of the full paper (if for publication in the Conference Proceedings) or presentation outline/poster as applicable.

Revisions may be required before final confirmation and acceptance.

Pautas para la Presentación de las Comunicaciones

Presenters whose papers are selected for publication in the Proceedings will be provided with detailed guidelines on the required format for manuscripts.

Gastos de Inscripci´n, etc.

Details of the cost of the conference (registration fees, accommodation options and costs etc.) will be available later in 2008. Invited speakers and presenters will be required to pay the registration fee and their own travel, accommodation and associated costs. The registration fee will cover a set of the published conference papers, lunch, mid-morning and mid-afternoon refreshments, and the conference dinner.

Registration options will include registration for the full 2.5 day conference and single day registration.

The Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section will have a limited number of partial awards to support the attendance of first time presenters at an international conference and the attendance of professionals who have been in the profession for fewer than five years. Please indicate on the proposal submission form if you wish to be considered for one of the awards. The awards will be given on a competitive basis. Criteria for the award will include acceptance of the paper, the appropriateness of the topic, and geographical distribution.


The Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section and the New Professionals Discussion Group are happy to offer a mentoring opportunity to interested participants. Mentors will be available to work with presenters on their papers and presentations. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please check the mentoring box on the Proposal submission form.

Preguntas y Comentarios

The Program Co-convenors will be happy to hear, and will respond to, questions or comments about this conference. Please direct questions to either or both:

Roisin Gwyer,
Associate University Librarian, The University Library,
University of Portsmouth, Cambridge Road,
Portsmouth, PO1 2ST, UK
Tel. 0044 2392 843221
Fax. 0044 2392 843233
Email: [email protected]

Loida Garcia-Febo,
Assistant Coordinator, Special Services, Queens Library,
89-11 Merrick Blvd.,
Jamaica, NY 11432, USA
Tel. 1-718-990-8569
Fax. 1-718-990-8626
Email: [email protected]