IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Arabic translation   Spanish translation

Call for Papers for Satellite Meeting

Information Technology Section and Libraries and Web 2.0 Discussion Group

Florence, Italy
19-20 August 2009

Theme: "Emerging trends in technology: libraries between Web 2.0, semantic web and search technology"

The IFLA Information Ttechnology Section in collaboration with Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, supported by the IFLA Libraries and Web 2.0 Discussion Group, are organizing a pre-conference and satellite meeting.

Theme and Objectives

Technological advances in the past several years have enabled libraries to create new services that were not possible before, such as personalized OPAC interfaces, semantic searches through different kind of multimedia resources, different kind of visualizations, downloading media that could be used for research purposes etc. So we have an increasing range of services which fit very closely to the specific needs of users.

In parallel the development of Web 2.0 technologies has had an important impact on library services - dubbed the "library 2.0" model. This new library 2.0 requires a user-centred shift and encourages constant and purposeful change in which the users take an active part in the creation of the physical and the virtual services they want. Social networks, virtual access, tagging, blogging and wikis are just part of this new dimension and are open to librarians as well as to old and new users’ participation. The limits between the creation and the usage have disappeared and the library becomes a meeting point where people share their interest and problems with each other with a high potential for interoperability & exchange and the transition from classic isolated fields in the information infrastructure to dedicated communities and their specific workspaces. Some of these ideas are much older and have their origin in the basic ideas of the semantic web. In a sense we have seen a revival of these ideas: earlier statements like “too much complex” change to approaches which try to characterise data in the specific syntax of the semantic web are superseded by the opening of data for web applications. In this sense the new web technologies influence the potential access to information, too.

In this two-day conference we would like to address the synergies and potential use of all these three different aspects - the new web technologies, the semantic web and the existence new search technology - which have a very deep impact on the services in the library-scene. The first day will be dedicated to the introduction into the new services and different aspects which are related to the new technologies in libraries - best done by offering good examples for implementation and service. We would like to answer the following questions: What is Library 2.0 and what are implications of Web 2.0 technologies for the libraries? How could we integrate users in the library services and offer them better access to the needed information? What is the semantic web? What are the characteristics of new search technologies? How can we bring together the approaches of the Web 2.0 with the ideas of the semantic web? What are the upcoming standards for libraries?

The second day will be dedicated to upcoming trends and new developments in the area of library services by using the new technologies. Do we expect the next generation library-system in the field of implementation of Web 2.0 technologies in libraries, do we expect different kind of semantic visualizations and use of semantic web solutions? What can we say today about the net of knowledge and the role of libraries? How can libraries help to create a critical mass for a break-through of these technologies?

Topics for papers

  • Theoretical, practical and technological introductions into the new technologies and their use in libraries;
  • Change functionality and technology patterns related to new services in libraries and information services;
  • Experiences with and evaluation of new technologies and library services;
  • Ideas how to combine these technologies in the field of the library system and/or services?
  • Prospective questions in the area of technologies and library services;
  • All other related subjects

NOTE: It is important to note that the basic technology per se is not the theme of the conference, but rather its implantation and use.

How to Submit a Proposal

Interested persons are invited to submit a proposal of no more than 1000 words for a paper and presentation of about 25 minutes on the topics listed above before 1 December 2008. Please include full contact details and a short biography for all co-authors. The reviewing process will be finalised beginning of 2009. All submitters will be informed by email of the results of this review immediately. Please submit your paper to:

Alenka Kavčič-Čolić
E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted languages

English is the official language of the conference and proposals should be submitted in this language.

Attendance costs

Presenters and those attending the conference are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs and for payment of pre-conference fees.

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission: before 1st December 2008
  • Notification of acceptance: by 31 January 2009
  • Deadline for full text of the presentation: 31 May 2009

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee will be formed by international experts partially from the standing committee of IFLA Information Technology Section, partially from dedicated professionals in the area of library 2.0 projects, Semantic Web applications and future trends in information technology.