IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Spanish translation

Call for Papers for Satellite Meeting

Literacy and Reading Section and Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section

Rome, Italy
19-20 August 2009

Theme: "Raising a Nation of Readers: Libraries as Partners in National Reading Projects and Programmes"

IFLA's Literacy and Reading Section and Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation on the theme “Raising a Nation of Readers: Libraries as Partners in National Reading Projects and Programmes“, the IFLA Pre-Conference to be held in Rome, Italy, August 19-20, 2009.

The Pre-conference Venue: Auditorium del Goethe-Institut, Via Savoia 15; Rome, Italy
Beside the key note and invited speakers, in the two days programme we aim to have 10 presentations.

We are particularly interested in presentations on the following topics under three Sub-themes:

  1. Start with the youngest
    • How libraries encourage early and family literacy
    • Provision or programmes and resources to promote reading for and with the youngest children and their parents
    • How to establish partnership with other relevant organisations and institutions to support early literacy and reading
  2. Management Decisions and Strategies
    • What are the best strategies for national library associations to provide and/or support national reading campaigns for children and young adults
    • Partnership: Why, Who, How; With what results?
    • How particular libraries could contribute to reading initiative programmes, projects; not only to increase the number of readers but also to improve reading capacities
    • From local networks to national projects
  3. Good Practices as Building Blocks
    • Presentations of good practices in reading promotion for children and young adults

The expected audience is likely to include librarians from public and school libraries, library associations’ management, other library professionals working on reading promotion, students and university professors, agencies working on literacy and reading issues and other partners of libraries in joint reading promotion programmes.

Format of proposals

The following should be provided:

  • The Sub-theme (I.,II.,III.)
  • Name and institution of author(s)
  • Brief biographical information of author(s)
  • Abstract of Paper (up to 500 words)
  • Language in which paper is planned to be presented

The proposals are expected to be in English. Full paper and presentation in any IFLA language will be accepted.

Send your proposals by 10 December, 2008 via e-mail to:
Gayner Eyre
Email: [email protected]

The abstracts will be reviewed by the Review Committee and 10 proposals will be selected. The RC will make every effort to have representation from all continents. Successful proposals will be identified and announced by January 31, 2009.

All accepted papers will be listed in the final Pre-Conference Programme. Therefore, a full text papers should be provided by 15 April, 2009; papers should be 3-20 pages long.

The delivery of each presentation will last 20 minutes to allow a time for Q&A.


It is the presenters’ responsibility to find funding for their participation (registration fee, travel, accommodation and associated costs). IFLA and its Sections are not in a position to fund the attendance at the Pre-Conference.


IFLA Literacy and Reading Section
IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section
Istituzione Biblioteche del Comune di Roma
Goethe Institut Italien
Associazione Italiana Biblioteche

Literacy and Reading Section
Chair: Ivanka Stricevic, Ph.D.
University of Zadar
Library and Information Science Department
M. Pavlinovica bb, 23000 Zadar, Croatia
Tel/fax +385 (0)23 311 540
E-mail: [email protected]

Libraries for Children and Young Adults Section
Chair: Ingrid Bon
Biblioservice Gelderland
Zeelandsingel 40
6845 BH ARNHEM, The Netherlands
Tel. + (31) (26) 3860233
Fax: + (31) (26) 3820019
E-mail: [email protected]

Local Organising Committee
Chair: Letizia Tarantello
Biblioteca Centrale per Ragazzi
Via San Paolo Alla Regola, 16
00186 ROME Italy
Tel. + (39)(06)6865116
Fax + (39)(06)68801040
Email: [email protected]