IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Arabic translation 汉语 / 漢語 Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Français Русский

Call for Papers for Satellite Meeting

Management and Marketing Section and Management of Library Associations Section, with the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs

Athens, Greece
19-21 August 2009

Theme: "Service Strategies for Libraries"

Aims and Scope

This conference addresses strategies for optimal library services through review and discussion of methods or best practices.

Services can include goods, ideas, places (the library itself) or the people delivering services (librarians).

Papers may include research, case studies, promotion schemes, etc.


Topics for presentation ideally may include:

  1. how to identify potential and actual users in communities;
  2. how to target user groups;
  3. how to design optimal services for the community;
  4. planning and management practices, as well as evaluation activities, to facilitate library service strategies;
  5. how library associations may empower libraries in their service strategies and advocacy.

Important Dates

Abstract submission – All IFLA Languages accepted.

  • Due date: 15 January 2009.
  • Abstract word length: 250-500 words

    Send abstracts to: Dr. Christie Koontz – [email protected]

  • Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2009
  • Papers due: 30 April 2009 (high quality papers will be recommended for submission to IFLA Journal.)


Papers will undergo a double review process by the Evaluating Committee.

Language of Sessions

Preferably English. Availability of simultaneous interpretation into some other IFLA languages to be confirmed and communicated to authors.

Evaluating Committee

  • Christie Koontz, USA, Chair Evaluating Committee
  • Angels Massisimo, Spain
  • Antonia Arahova, Greece
  • Maria Alexandraki, Greece
  • Ludmila Zaytseva, Russian Federation
  • Nadia Temmar, Algeria
  • Silvia Stasselova, Slovakia
  • Edita Basic, Croatia

Consultative members

  • Hara Printezi, Greece
  • Dinesh Gupta, India
  • Nozha Ibnlkhayat, Morroco
  • Dola Issa, Lebanon
  • Michael Koenig, USA
  • Perry Moree, Netherlands
  • Aliya Sarsembinova, Khazajstan
  • Barbara Schleihagen, Germany

Please note that organizers will not be able to pay for travel nor accommodation costs of speakers. Availability of some grants is being explored by the organizing committee and will be communicated in the Conference Information webpage.